воскресенье, 11 сентября 2016 г.

MLM UP. Beta-testing reviews

Millions of network companies’ employees will remember September, 2016 as a date of the release of innovative mobile app MlmUp. It is a quality and convenient program for the structuring of the task list, contacts, planning, newcomers’ training and monitoring of the official duty performance of the team.

Intuitive interface will not cause problems for users, and the design solution of MlmUp can be configured manually. These and the other functions of the app make it a unique instrument for building business in the field of multilevel marketing.

A month before the official release of the MlmUp app on the market the developers offered ordinary users to run beta-testing of the program’s capabilities. There were a lot of lucky persons and the authors got the detailed reviews to each section and scenario. The members of the testing group studied MlmUp to find out the mistakes and correct them before the release of the product to the market.

A part of the MlmUp reviews is connected with the convenience of monitoring subordinates

Adam, 32 years old: “I liked to monitor the employees through the app, although not all the team was involved. I created one group for us. It’s a very convenient tool, I used to it for two weeks”.

Alex, 27 years old: “I monitored the newcomers’ work through this app. It is useful that you can quickly correct their mistakes and tell them how to act. The contact system is also well organized”.


Rita, 30 years old: “In the beginning of August I was invited to test MlmUp for two weeks. I must say, it is rather convenient tool for planning and team monitoring. You can see who really tries and who does nothing. Initially, our company wasn’t in the application list, but my sponsor added it in this list. I hope, it will remain after release, so I plan to buy this app. Who works in the field of multilevel marketing will immediately understand that this is an indispensible program”.

The users noted the function of task planning and praised the developers for the idea to collect all information in one place

Karl, 26 years old: “All mail correspondence, a plan of recruiting newcomers I moved into MlmUp application. The working process became faster due to the fact that I concentrated everything in one app-planner. I hope to master other functions of the tool after release”.

The developers got a lot of comments about the interaction of MlmUp from the position of newcomers in the network business:


Henry, 31 years old: “It’s a big plus that new distributers don’t have to create the contact database from scratch, and the communication with coordinator takes place continuously and without interruptions. The organization of teaching materials database is interesting, we just started to understand learning opportunities but did not have time to study this section properly, After MlmUp release we will definitely do it.”

Neil, 25 years old: “mail, contacts, and conversations – everything works well. There is convenient built-in search for contacts. At the time of testing I abandoned completely the phone built-in calendar – the app is better. So, MlmUp includes all the instruments of the network business. It’s cool! I wish good luck to the developers!”

A group of testers also liked the original ideas in the app, such as the section “Targets”, the opportunity to change the interface design, a reminder of the call or meeting, the opportunity to record the results of business negotiations in the profile of the contact.

Peter, 24 years old: “Thank you for the idea of the “Targets” section and the statistics of the working group. The employees always need the additional motivation. The MlmUp app is very useful for the situation monitoring – you set a task and see the percentage of its implementation”.

All the participants shared the opinion that a new product for the network business optimization meets all the modern requirements for the quality application. The September discovery will bring big changes.

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